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Go to January 2010
December 2010
- Lifting the cap. return to Latest News
Granary boarding complete except for beneath the eves. |
(17th December 2010) |
Snowed out again! |
(18th December 2010) |
November 2010
- Lifting the cap.
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A finished tower window. |
(7th November 2010) |
Bridget on the scaffolding making the mill seem large! |
(28th November 2010) |
The difference between the upper vertical boarding and the lower horizontal boarding is clearly shown. |
(28th November 2010) |
Here you can see the tower change from octagonal to round at the top. |
(28th November 2010) |
The gap between the petticoat of the cap and the tower is on average three inches. |
(28th November 2010) |
go to December 2010
October 2010
- Lifting the cap.
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Waiting for the last couple of windows prior to finishing this side. |
(10th October 2010) |
Meanwhile I could continue the front part of the boarding up to window sill height. |
(16th October 2010) |
The last two back windows fitted. |
(29th October 2010) |
The rest of the tower windows were also being fitted. |
(8th October 2010) |
As the tower walls lean at an angle of eight degrees, the window frames include a small dormer portion. |
(8th October 2010) |
Scaffolding starting to come down at long last............... |
(17th October 2010) |
.....revealing the true shape of the mill. |
(17th October 2010) |
......and how different it starts to look. |
(17th October 2010) |
The front of the cap can now be fully appreciated. |
(17th October 2010) |
An rather interesting view of the mill rising above the granary. |
(17th October 2010) |
Nights drawing in, but still working............. |
(20th October 2010) |
The bird spikes in place beneath the cap - these have proved very successful. |
(31st October 2010) |
go to November 2010
September 2010
- Lifting the cap.
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Things are never simple though as cutting the first boards around the staddle stones was a bit tricky! |
(12th September 2010) |
The last windows were just following ahead of the boarding. |
(19th September 2010) |
As each window was fitted I could complete the boarding around it. |
(22nd September 2010) |
go to October 2010
August 2010
- Lifting the cap.
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Bridget checking out the cap for size. |
(6th August 2010) |
View from the cap rear window. |
(4th August 2010) |
View towards Leith hill. |
(4th August 2010) |
Now to weatherboard the granary....... |
(8th August 2010) |
Thankfully this was much simplier than the cap. |
(21st August 2010) |
go to September 2010
July 2010
- Lifting the cap.
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Inside the rear of the cap showing the completed boarding. |
(1st July 2010) |
Removing the scaffold roof to reveal the cap. |
(3rd July 2010) |
The cap can now be seen. |
(3rd July 2010) |
Scaffolding all gone and the extent of the lead flashing can be fully appreciated. |
(3rd July 2010) |
The finished cap viewed from the rear. |
(3rd July 2010) |
My brother Phil helped me remove the temporary flat roof and paint the steel ring on which the cap turns. |
(4th July 2010) |
All painted and ready for the lift. |
(4th July 2010) |
The finished cap viewed from the front. |
(5th July 2010) |
The crane arriving from Coussens of Bexhill. |
(5th July 2010) |
Extending the crane jib. |
(5th July 2010) |
The crane jib now in position. |
(5th July 2010) |
Fom the top of the tower. |
(5th July 2010) |
The lifting cradle being lowered....... |
(5th July 2010) |
....into position around the cap. |
(5th July 2010) |
Paul Coussens was in charge of the lift. |
(5th July 2010) |
The lifting frame in position and fastened to the cap ready for lifting. |
(5th July 2010) |
Taking up the strain........ |
(5th July 2010) |
It took a couple of hours to fasten the lifting frame and adjust to get the cap level, but only 3 minutes to lift to the top of the mill! |
(5th July 2010) |
On it's way up...........
Photo by Phil James |
(5th July 2010) |
and up.......... |
(5th July 2010) |
.......and up.......... |
(5th July 2010) |
I quickly ran beneath the cap for this photo, but did not stay around too long! |
(5th July 2010) |
About 50 feet up and ready to move into position. |
(5th July 2010) |
The sails are to point south west (into the prevailing winds) so the cap rotated accordingly. |
(5th July 2010) |
Edging slowly over the tower. |
(5th July 2010) |
I had a mark inside the curb for rotational direction and small timbers protruding from the cap to align in position. |
(5th July 2010) |
Almost ready tyo lower..... |
(5th July 2010) |
A rather interesting view from inside.
Photo by Phil James |
(5th July 2010) |
Lowering down...... |
(5th July 2010) |
Still under tension for final adjustments.......
Photo by Phil James |
(5th July 2010) |
and still......... |
(5th July 2010) |
| position at last!
Photo by Phil James |
(5th July 2010) |
Paul up top having just removing the lifting chains and strops. |
(5th July 2010) |
Packing up........ |
(5th July 2010) |
My brother Phil....well what can you say! |
(5th July 2010) |
For the first time the view inside cap could be fully appreciated......... |
(6th July 2010) |
| I climbed the ladder up onto the top floor. |
(6th July 2010) |
The view inside the cap from 45 feet up! |
(16th July 2010) |
The remaining windows were now fitted into the tower............ |
(22nd July 2010) |
| David. |
(22nd July 2010) |
From within the field of maize. |
(23rd July 2010) |
...and from the track. |
(24th July 2010) |
Looking beneath the back of the cap showing the bronze bearing in the oak hanger (to take the worm gear one day). |
(30th July 2010) |
Bridget making a start tarring the weatherboards for the granary. |
(26th July 2010) |
go to August 2010
June 2010
- Lead flashing the cap.
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Boarding now complete around the storm hatch. |
(4th June 2010) |
Paul making a start on the lead flashing. |
(8th June 2010) |
Each joint is double crimped. |
(12th June 2010) |
The first phase of the finial flashing is to fit a lead cylinder. |
(12th June 2010) |
Then the lead is 'flowed' around the finial beating carefully. |
(12th June 2010) |
Taking shape........ |
(12th June 2010) |
Nearly there........... |
(12th June 2010) |
Finally the skirt at the base is welding on to cover and seal all joints. |
(14th June 2010) |
Trimming and folding the outer edges to finish. |
(14th June 2010) |
The completed flashing. |
(15th June 2010) |
David fitting the rear window frame. |
(26th June 2010) |
The storm hatch is actually oin the form of a window to let more light into the top floor. |
(30th June 2010) |
The completed rear window. |
(30th June 2010) |
go to July 2010
May 2010
- Boarding the cap.
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Due to the angle of the weatherboarding approaching the horizontal, the last part is covered in plywood prior to leading. |
(12th May 2010) |
Lead flashing taking shape around the storm hatch. |
(19th May 2010) |
Boarding finished and ready for the top lead flashing. |
(23rd May 2010) |
Lead flashing to storm hatch complete. |
(23rd May 2010) |
go to June 2010
April 2010
- Boarding the cap.
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Over half way.......... |
(11th April 2010) |
The storm hatch complete and awaiting lead flashing. |
(11th April 2010) |
Sides almost finished......... |
(25th April 2010) |
go to May 2010
March 2010
- Boarding the cap.
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The first row of weatherboarding is to 'kick-off' the boards at the correct angle and to make them clear the petticoat boarding. |
(2nd March 2010) |
The first full row of weatherboarding - each layer is made up of 22 seperate boards! |
(7th March 2010) |
Developing a technique now.......... |
(14th March 2010) |
Half way up! |
(24th March 2010) |
Framing out the detail of the storm hatch at the front of the cap. |
(30th March 2010) |
The rear and other side being brought up to the same height. |
(31st March 2010) |
go to April 2010
February 2010
- The cap petticoat.
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Front left hand flashing to shear end (in red). |
(6th February 2010) |
David fitting the petticoat boarding. |
(6th February 2010) |
Petticoat boarding finished. |
(6th February 2010) |
go to March 2010
January 2010
- The cap petticoat.
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Skirt at rear awaiting leadwork at corners. |
(3rd January 2010) |
Cap from above |
(8th January 2010) |
Snowed out! |
(8th January 2010) |
Snow everywhere! |
(8th January 2010) |
Do I really need a four wheel drive? |
(8th January 2010) |
Rear tie bars in place to support striking frame. |
(16th January 2010) |
Paul Harrod (Leadwork Contractor) making up the flashing for the rear right hand shear end. |
(22nd January 2010) |
The lead flashing in place. |
(23rd January 2010) |
The front sill lead flashing in place. |
(23rd January 2010) |
Tee rear left hand flashing and petticoat boarding finished at rear. |
(24th January 2010) |
go to February 2010
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